I am a referring practitioner

Here you will find details about how to register your client, how you can contact us for advice and how we work. Occupational health services, company doctors and other dedicated service providers are important partners for our organisation. By working together with specialists, we enhance our services with specific expertise.

If you would like to present a potential referral to us in person, we will be happy to speak to you! Do not hesitate to contact us.

Referral criteria

Roads offers counselling to people with psychiatric problems, a history of addiction or a criminal background into the world of work. Employment is our means and our goal. Our target group is often far separated from the labour market, and experiences obstacles in establishing social relationships. Roads offers them intensive counselling, in which paid employment is an integral element of the recovery programme.


Depending on the activities your client wishes to undertake with our organisation, an appropriate form of financing will have to be identified. For example financing via the municipality, a health insurer, the UWV or via a special grant scheme. We will discuss the options in detail with your client, during the intake interview. They do not have to apply for funding themselves; they will receive the necessary support from Roads.